Beginning with the Cover art: Mr. Natural visits the city, and fields questions regarding the meaning of "Diddy-Wah-Diddy".

Within the comic book we find the 5 page strip; Mr. Natural "Visits the City, Yes, he's back in town...just to see all his old friends who are still around. Maybe he'll even drop in on your!", in which Mr. Natural drops in on his ol' buddy Flakey Foont to discuss Foont's continued "Quest into the Unknown".
Further within, Freak-out Funnies presents a 2 page strip titled "I'm a Ding Dong Daddy"
Then the single page "Abstract Expressionist Ultra Super Modernistic Comics.
And last but never least, the image what became a catch phrase for a generation. The first cell from the single page Keep On Truckin'...
You'll find all these t-shirts and many more at Keep On Truckin Apparel. Buy with confindence we are official licensees of Robert Crumb and take pride in bringing you quality tees and hoodies!
Keep On Truckin!
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