R. Crumb tells the story of the lost first issue of Zap Comix in The R. Crumb Coffee Table Art Book (Kitchen Sink Press Book for Back Bay Books).
In October 1967 Crumb drew the first 24 page issue of Zap Comix and then sent the original art work off to an associate--he never heard from this associate again, nor was the art returned.
At the same time he had sent xerox copies off to New York where they were viewed by Don Donahue, Don loved the concept and arranged to publish Zap #1 which Robert had draw in November of that same year.
After Zap's success Crumb requested the xerox copies be returned and from the copies he doctored the artwork and redrew the cover page. So Zap #O was actually published after the third issue of Zap Comix had been released.
Ten years later, through his attorney, R. Crumb finally recovered the original art, he got a brief look at it---before, somehow, it disappeared again. So where in the world is that original artwork? And what would it be worth today? With single random unpublished pages of R. Crumb's original art pages going at auction for 10K-15K, those 24 pages of the comic that birthed a revolution---priceless.
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